Suma Saha

Heera Bij Bhandar, Rangpur

Purnota Manager, SME Division

"I always dreamt of making this business big, and IDLC Purnota has been a trusted friend in our journey."

- Suma Saha


Suma Saha co-owns Heera Bij Bhandar in Taraganj, Rangpur with her husband-who is an agriculturist. Her shop is a popular option in Taraganj bazar amongst the local famers. When it comes to agro products such as seeds, fertilizers, pesticide; Suma and her husband provides quality seeds and other agro-products to the local farmers alongside pro-bono basic agro-advice.

Ten years ago, while setting up Heera Bij Bhandar, as a young graduate of accounting, Suma started by helping her husband with maintaining the business accounts. Soon, with time, Suma gradually got more involved in the business as her husband got busier with his full-time job. Ten years later, Suma now runs all the business operations for Heera Bij Bhandar- largest seeds and agro-products wholesaler and retailer in Taraganj Bazaar and manages dealership for 20 leading manufacturers.